Jewelry Making Basics #4: Making a Simple Pair of Dangle Earrings (Free Tutorial)

So you want to make your own jewelry? 

I hear that! And that's why I put together the Jewelry Making Basics series so can you start off by making yourself a cute little pair of dangle earrings. Guess what, we are at #4, the last in this Basics series. If you haven't yet visited the previous parts, here there are, packed with information and useful links:

I plan to post more such tutorials in upcoming posts, so don't forget to Subscribe to this blog.

Ok, so let's jump right in.

The Ingredients

This is my selection of beads. I picked 2 different sizes of round beads and one sparkly disk bead (or Rondelle) for each set.

Here are the findings I use: Fish Hooks, Bead Caps, Head Pins.

Ok, now for the tools (from left to right): Flat Nose Pliers, Round Nose Pliers, Wire Nippers. Keep it simple!

The Creation

This is what my simple creation looks like. Yay! 

The Video

I have put the steps together in a simple video, (it's easy!) so check it out:

A Giveaway!

So now it's your turn! Post a picture of your creation in the comments below and win 20% off my jewelry collection on my Etsy store. (Each person who post a picture get's one coupon. Offer valid till this blogpost is alive!) Your creation can be simple, fancy or OOAK!

And that's it for now! Hope you liked this series - send me a comment! And don't forget to Subscribe to this blog. Have a great week and I will see you soon!
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